On the 19th of July 2019 we unveiled the Willow Ark. The idea to give our Pre-primary a new name started last year in the office with Mrs Rademeyer and the Pre-primary teachers. At the beginning of the year Aunty Lynette and her team started working on the name. She was busy drawing a picture of the three animals that represent each year, and saw that it could be an ark. With that in mind they unanimously agreed that The Willow Ark would be the name for the Pre-Primary. With help from Aunty Lynettes a logo was designed and the new name was birthed. Last week Friday we unveiled our new name and invited Pastor Mariana Crompton, our chairlady, Bubblegum Valley and our learners to celebrate with us. Even with the wind and rain we where blessed and the learners were so excited to pray for their school. We pray that God will bless this school.